I’ve been really enjoying the new Röyksopp album Junior, and have been rather taken with a number of tracks which appear to me to have the spirit of the soundtrack of the Amiga game Lotus III within them.
One song that has rather caught me is track 3, Vision One. It has a really rather awesome glitchy synth sound (or sawtooth if you want to use a proper term and refer to the waveform). It’s also actually an English re-recording of a remix they made of the Japanese pop artist Eri Nobuchika, but not in a shitty Basshunter way (still got a soft spot for the original complete with IRC references).
Sing A Song / Royksopp I Kramsno_ Remix – Eri Nobuchika
The original also has a music video which is on YouTube, and you can start to hear where the remix came from.
Rather a beautiful video, too.
Edit The lyrics of the original are rather barking when translated directly, but the new English lyrics are remarkably close in theme.