After falling over onto Beirut thanks to Pitchfork’s review I was feeling somewhat smug that I had got into listenning to Devotchka via an emusic reccomendation rather than another review at Pitchfork. Annoyingly just as I go to blog here about it I find they’ve finally seen fit to review an EP..
Of course I can still be smug that it takes an EP of covers for them to take notice of what is a very good indie band. If you want a listen just click here and either play that youtube video or the one linked just beneath for the live experience. Alternatively you can let the site play you either the excellent Queen of the Surface Streets or the very soundtracky but great How It Ends. Better still if you even just attempt to sign up for their mailing list you seem to be able to listen to the whole EP which features a brilliant new version of the song that got me into them, Curse Your Little Heart. In a funny old way their covers remind me a lot of Cake but with more varied and accomplished style. Certainly their cover of Something Stupid ranks up with Cake’s cover of I Will Survive.
I’d kill to see them live about now but unfortunately they passed through London just a couple of months ago so I have some time to wait.
There is also more Devotchka available to listen to at myspace, if you dare sully your machine.
In interesting look-at-that-webstore notes AmpCamp have a feature which notes unusual instruments used on recordings, such as the theremin. They also have a nifty difficulty rating pop up thingy which may well be the coolest thing ever. There is a strong temptation to borrow the idea of ranking music on a series of 1-5 scales such as “Attention Required: 1 – Billy Ocean, 5 – John Cage” but that may just be the thoughts of the small hours talking.