Currently BAA are attempting to get a massive injunction against Airport Watch to try and stop them protesting at Heathrow.
However, I think for all the endless free publicity BAA have helped them get nothing is as clever as their Cheat Neutral spoof which has a big go at carbon offsetting schemes.
When you cheat on your partner you add to the heartbreak, pain and jealousy in the atmosphere.
Cheatneutral offsets your cheating by funding someone else to be faithful and NOT cheat. This neutralises the pain and unhappy emotion and leaves you with a clear conscience.
Which pretty neatly skewers the notion that offsetting is a way to deal with your behavior. Funding (or better still taking part in) schemes and actions that are good for the environment just as part of your own every day life is pretty obviously a better idea than trying to offset certain portions of your carbon footprint with extra managed forestry.
In other news, did you know that the UK is planning to use offsetting as 70% of the reduction planned for meeting its long term carbon targets? And of course, those targets ignore emissions from aviation. More interesting still are the complex disagreements about how to measure aviation emissions in the UK, most figures quoted seem to be for flights departing the UK only.
Whatever your position, it’s pretty clear that you have to look beyond any headline figures and look to the finer detail to get any sense of what’s really going on. But also, for all that flying may have a major effect, it’s what you do year round that makes the difference. One carbon offset holiday a year does not a green life make.
Anyway, enough of this, time to sign up for £2.50 a month to remain single – though clearly by supporting a green agenda I may only have a limited amount of time to earn if Nuts magazine is to be believed.
I think carbon offsetting is to the 21st century what papal indulgences were to the medieval period. Salve your conscience but don’t actually do anything and someone else makes some dosh from your guilt…