So it’s 2009, we’re just about to send a second mission to Jupiter to find out what happened to the Discovery and human progress marches on. I’m now 27, which feels unbelievably old and mature to be surrounded by so much stuff in my ever student like bedroom. And there’s $70 trillion in the giant pool of money [mp3 here] in the world so we’re building the future ever faster.
Why is it only figures involving cash money that have this nasty habit of going down as well as up?
Anyway, happy new year. I attempted to forecast my future using molten lead [video] and accidentally created Cthulu.

I also indulged in the many years German tradition of watching Dinner For One and drank a fair bit of gin.
Coming up next, my predictions of which bands don’t stand even a small chance of making it big but that I really like from 2008.